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How to make a DIY Ultra Glasses using an Arduino

In this project, we will be making a DIY Ultra Gasses. This project will be mainly used for people who are visually impaired. It will have a sensor detecting things in front and a speaker making sounds to alarm the person.


  1. Arduino Nano

  2. Ultrasonic Sensor

  3. Buzzer

  4. Wire Nut - At least 1

  5. Jumper Wires

  6. Battery - 9V

  7. Wire Tape

  8. Any type of glasses

  9. Any support material (optional)

If you don't have any of those materials, you can buy the kit in our shop :



In this circuit, our goal is to hook up our sensor to sense values and output our results through the buzzer(speaker). The first thing we did is use an Arduino Nano instead of an Arduino Uno. The Nano is a mini version of the Arduino Uno. It is used for small projects like in our case we wouldn't want to use an Arduino Uno with glasses. We want something smaller and that can fit with glasses. Secondly, we hooked up the buzzer in both ways. The positive pin (it has a + sign at the top of it) is being connected to D3, which is input 3. And the negative pin is connected to a wire nut with two different wires. One of the wires is connected to the GND pin of the Ultrasonic Sensor and the other one is connected to the GND pin of the Arduino. We're using a wire nut to connect the GND pins from the buzzer and ultrasonic sensor to the GND pin of the Arduino. On the Ultrasonic Sensor, we have connected the VCC pin to the 5V pin on the Arduino, we have the TRIG pin and ECHO pin to D9 and D10 respectively. Those are the pins we're going to use to communicate with our Arduino. And lastly, the 9V battery's positive pin is connected to the Vin pin which takes in the battery, and its negative pin is connected to GND. Refer to the image below for a clearer image :


In this code, our goal is to read the value from the Ultrasonic Sensor make a sound through the buzzer to alert the person. First, we declared two variables for the Ultrasonic Sensor using "const int" because we want to keep these variables constant. We named them trigPin and echoPin set them to 9 and 10 just like how we connected them in the circuit. Even for the buzzer pin, we have a constant variable which we set to 3 just like the circuit. We have more variables that are going to help us change the value from the Ultrasonic Sensor to relative(inches, centimeters). Next, we began the setup for the pins and the serial monitor. The first two pins are the trig and echo pin, which we set as output and input respectively. The trig pin is how we send the transmitter waiting to be sent back to be read by the echo pin. And the echo pin reads the value and tells us our distance. The buzzer is output because its outputs sound. Finally, we set up the serial monitor to help us see the distance read by the Ultrasonic Sensor.

In our loop, we have a whole function that sets our ultrasonic sensor and converts it into cm.

Our program starts at the if statement. The first if statement means when the distance is less than 40cm it gives us a a sound with tone of 400. The second if statement means when the distance is less than 20cm the buzzer makes a sound with the tone of 600. We added another distance because we want a higher tone when the person gets too close. The last if statement is making sure there is no sound at all while the distance is greater than 50cm and less than 0. And the loop goes on and on and keeps and checking the distance. Refer to the code below :

const int trigPin = 9;
const int echoPin = 10;
const int Buzzer = 3;

long duration;
int distance;

void setup() {
pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT);
pinMode(echoPin, INPUT);
pinMode(Buzzer, OUTPUT);

void loop() 
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);
  digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
  duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);
  distance= duration*0.034/2;
  Serial.print("Distance: ");

    if (distance < 40){
    if (distance <= 20){
    if (distance >= 50 || distance <= 0){

After finishing writing the code, download it using the USB cable to the Arduino. Before that, you have to make sure the board type is the right one and it's set up to the right port. To do that go to the tools section choose the board type and port. In this case, we are using an Arduino Nano. Finally, connect the cable and see what happens. See the image below :


Now let's implement our circuit into our glasses. We want to find glasses of any kind. We are being resourceful so it's going to be hard to implement our circuit to our glasses. Some glasses might have designs that are going to make it hard for us. But this is the point we're being resourceful and creative. For the people who have access to a 3D printer, this would be a perfect opportunity for you to practice 3D Design and Printing.

So the first thing we need to do is we want to tape our 9V battery to the left side of our glasses.

Next, we have to find any type of support material to attach the glasses so we can put our Ultrasonic Sensor. I found a word cut on my house and I attached it there. This is how it looked like.

This is how it looks like from the back.

Then I put the Arduino on top of the right-hand side and taped it to our glasses. And I also taped the buzzer next to it. This is how it looked like :

Finally, plug in your battery, and the magic should happen.

Finished Product

Our main goal was to be resourceful and creative. Some people might just run into amazon to buy these types of glasses for a person they know, but we decided to make them. You can make this better in so many ways. Think about what visually impaired people are having problems with. You can also give this project to a person you know. I hope you enjoyed making this with me!!!

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